"Love me when i least deserve it, because that's when i really need it ."
Friday, March 28, 2008
Answers to Assignment 2 - Originally posted May 22,2007
go back and reread the log from 5/8-9, on different types of subs and slaves , read article sent , answer questions what is a sub? what is a slave? are there different kinds of each? what kind are you? etc
'psychological' submission
From the log and from the email :
The psychological submissive finds her reward in the act of submission itself. This satisfaction or pleasure can, for example, come from the associated with temporarily giving up responsibility. Or it can come from a relaxation of the need to "be herself" while the dominant is in control; she can, instead, simply be nothing, she can abandon herself completely.
#1. the emotional side is predominant in the submissive's experience, rather than the physical sensations
#2. there is a 'service ethic' - an overwhelming desire to please one's Dominant, which allows the submissive to experience the control transfer in a more concrete way.
#3. there is a deep awareness in the sub that she belongs to the Dominant, and her attitude becomes one of how best to please her Master
The slave has an internal need or craving that is appeased by the act of submission. The act of submission itself may or may not be pleasurable to the slave, but the release from the pressure of the need always is.
Mantras -
"I will become the slave my Master wants me to be"
and "my purpose is to please my Master".
From a very OLD article that this one has kept for Years :
the 9 levels of Submission
1.THE OUTRIGHT NON-SUBMISSIVE MASOCHIST or KINKY SENSUALIST.Not into servitude, humiliation or giving up control; just pain and/or spiced-up sensuality, on the masochist's own terms and for the masochist's own direct pleasure (i.e. turned on solely/mainly by one's own bodily sensatons rather than by being "used" to gratify one's partner's sadism).
2.PSEUDO-SUBMISSIVE NON-SLAVE. Not into even playing "slave," but into other "submissive" role-playing, e.g. schoolteacher scenes, infantilism, "forced" transvestism. Usually into humiliation, but NOT into servitude, even in play. Dictates the scene to a large degree.
3.PSEUDO-SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Likes to play at being a slave; likes to feel subservient; may in some cases like to feel one is being "used" to gratify partner's sadism; may even really serve the dominant in some ways, but only on the "slave's" own terms. Dictates the scene to a large degree; often fetishistic (e.g. foot worshippers).
4.TRUE SUBMISSIVE NON-SLAVE. Really gives up control (only temporarily and within agreed-upon limits), but gets her/his main satisfaction from aspects of submission other than serving or being used by the dominant. Usually turned on by suspense, vulnerability, and/or giving up responsbility. Doesn't dictate the scene except in very general terms, but still seek mainly her/his own direct/pleasure (rather than getting one's pleasure mainly from pleasing the dominant).
5.TRUE SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Really gives up control (though only temporarily; only during brief "scenes" and within limits) and gets main satisfaction from serving/being used by dominant-but only for FUN purposes, usually erotic. May/may not be into pain. If so, is turned on by pain indirectly, i.e. enjoys being the object of one's partner's sadism, on which the submissive places very few requirements or restrictions.
6.UNCOMMITTED SHORT-TERM BUT MORE THAN PLAY SEMI-SLAVE. Really gives up control (usually within limits); wants to serve and be used by the dominant; wants to provide practical/non erotic as well as fun/erotic services; but only when the "slave" is in the mood. May even act as a full-time slave for, say, several days at a time, but is free to quit at any time (or at the end of the agreed upon several days). May or may not have long-term relationship with one's Mistress, but, either way, the "slave" has the final say over when she will serve.
7.PART-TIME CONSENSUAL-BUT REAL SLAVE. Has an ongoing commitment to an owner/slave relationship and regards oneself as the dominant's property at all times. Wants to obey and please dom(me) in all aspects of life-practical/non erotic and fun/erotic. Devotes most of time to other commitments (e.g. job) but Dom(me) has first pick of the slave's free time.
8.FULL-TIME LIVE IN CONSENSUAL SLAVE. Within no more than a few broad limits/requirements, the slave regards herself/himself as existing solely for the Dom(me)'s pleasure/well being. Slave in turn expects to be regarded as a prized possession. Not much different from the situation of the traditional housewife, except that within the S/M world the slave's position is more likely to be fully consensual, especially of the slave is male. Within the S/M world, a full time "slave" arrangement is entered into with an explicit awareness of the magnitude carefully, with more awareness of the magnitude of power that is being given up, and hence is usually entered into much more carefully, with more awareness of the possible dangers, and with much clearer and more specific agreements than usually precede the traditional marriage.
9.CONSENSUAL TOTAL SLAVE WITH NO LIMITS. A common fantasy ideal which probably doesn't exist in real life (except in authoritarian religious cults and other situations where the "consent" is induced by brainwashing and/or social or economic pressures, and hence isn't fully consensual). A few S/M purists will insist that you aren't really a slave unless you're willing to do absolutely anything for your Dom(me), with
no limits at all. I've met a few people who claimed to be no-limit slaves, but in all cases I have reason to doubt the claim.
this one's answers to:
what is a sub?
In my view this is a deeper level of BDSM than the top/bottom level. There is more control at stake, it leaks into other areas of life besides the bedroom. The dom wants to exert his control in other areas of the submissive's life and the submissive wants that too. She might enjoy being told how to dress, or how to speak, or be given rituals to perform at given times. She may live a completely normal work life and at home be controlled in every way possible by her dom. It may be that she requires permission to leave the house or have a shower. It may be that she simply has a few things she must answer to her dom to and others she is free to use her own judgment. She definitely has limits as to how far the dom can go with his desire to control her, but usually within those limits he has free reign.
what is a slave?
A 'slave' is one who chooses to give up their life choices and follow along with whatever their master decides. Depending on the relationship there are no limits. The slave has few options but to accept what ever the master imposes upon her, unless agreed upon before the collar was placed upon her. That may be both good and bad. You can have a master who would never hurt a hair on your head and you can have one that lives to inflict pain and discomfort on you.
The big difference for me between submissives and slaves is the issue of limits, and the depth at which one needs or chooses to go.
are there different kinds of each?
simply speaking , yes just as there are differnt kinds of anything else
what kind are you? i'd love to be able to say that i was a 24/7 live in slave , totally at Master's whim and mercy but that's unrealistic given the relationship this one is in and has no intentions of leaving. this one still feels she is a slave , her whole being tells her she is #7 PART-TIME CONSENSUAL-BUT REAL SLAVE, tho she disagrees with the part time concept.
'psychological' submission
From the log and from the email :
The psychological submissive finds her reward in the act of submission itself. This satisfaction or pleasure can, for example, come from the associated with temporarily giving up responsibility. Or it can come from a relaxation of the need to "be herself" while the dominant is in control; she can, instead, simply be nothing, she can abandon herself completely.
#1. the emotional side is predominant in the submissive's experience, rather than the physical sensations
#2. there is a 'service ethic' - an overwhelming desire to please one's Dominant, which allows the submissive to experience the control transfer in a more concrete way.
#3. there is a deep awareness in the sub that she belongs to the Dominant, and her attitude becomes one of how best to please her Master
The slave has an internal need or craving that is appeased by the act of submission. The act of submission itself may or may not be pleasurable to the slave, but the release from the pressure of the need always is.
Mantras -
"I will become the slave my Master wants me to be"
and "my purpose is to please my Master".
From a very OLD article that this one has kept for Years :
the 9 levels of Submission
1.THE OUTRIGHT NON-SUBMISSIVE MASOCHIST or KINKY SENSUALIST.Not into servitude, humiliation or giving up control; just pain and/or spiced-up sensuality, on the masochist's own terms and for the masochist's own direct pleasure (i.e. turned on solely/mainly by one's own bodily sensatons rather than by being "used" to gratify one's partner's sadism).
2.PSEUDO-SUBMISSIVE NON-SLAVE. Not into even playing "slave," but into other "submissive" role-playing, e.g. schoolteacher scenes, infantilism, "forced" transvestism. Usually into humiliation, but NOT into servitude, even in play. Dictates the scene to a large degree.
3.PSEUDO-SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Likes to play at being a slave; likes to feel subservient; may in some cases like to feel one is being "used" to gratify partner's sadism; may even really serve the dominant in some ways, but only on the "slave's" own terms. Dictates the scene to a large degree; often fetishistic (e.g. foot worshippers).
4.TRUE SUBMISSIVE NON-SLAVE. Really gives up control (only temporarily and within agreed-upon limits), but gets her/his main satisfaction from aspects of submission other than serving or being used by the dominant. Usually turned on by suspense, vulnerability, and/or giving up responsbility. Doesn't dictate the scene except in very general terms, but still seek mainly her/his own direct/pleasure (rather than getting one's pleasure mainly from pleasing the dominant).
5.TRUE SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Really gives up control (though only temporarily; only during brief "scenes" and within limits) and gets main satisfaction from serving/being used by dominant-but only for FUN purposes, usually erotic. May/may not be into pain. If so, is turned on by pain indirectly, i.e. enjoys being the object of one's partner's sadism, on which the submissive places very few requirements or restrictions.
6.UNCOMMITTED SHORT-TERM BUT MORE THAN PLAY SEMI-SLAVE. Really gives up control (usually within limits); wants to serve and be used by the dominant; wants to provide practical/non erotic as well as fun/erotic services; but only when the "slave" is in the mood. May even act as a full-time slave for, say, several days at a time, but is free to quit at any time (or at the end of the agreed upon several days). May or may not have long-term relationship with one's Mistress, but, either way, the "slave" has the final say over when she will serve.
7.PART-TIME CONSENSUAL-BUT REAL SLAVE. Has an ongoing commitment to an owner/slave relationship and regards oneself as the dominant's property at all times. Wants to obey and please dom(me) in all aspects of life-practical/non erotic and fun/erotic. Devotes most of time to other commitments (e.g. job) but Dom(me) has first pick of the slave's free time.
8.FULL-TIME LIVE IN CONSENSUAL SLAVE. Within no more than a few broad limits/requirements, the slave regards herself/himself as existing solely for the Dom(me)'s pleasure/well being. Slave in turn expects to be regarded as a prized possession. Not much different from the situation of the traditional housewife, except that within the S/M world the slave's position is more likely to be fully consensual, especially of the slave is male. Within the S/M world, a full time "slave" arrangement is entered into with an explicit awareness of the magnitude carefully, with more awareness of the magnitude of power that is being given up, and hence is usually entered into much more carefully, with more awareness of the possible dangers, and with much clearer and more specific agreements than usually precede the traditional marriage.
9.CONSENSUAL TOTAL SLAVE WITH NO LIMITS. A common fantasy ideal which probably doesn't exist in real life (except in authoritarian religious cults and other situations where the "consent" is induced by brainwashing and/or social or economic pressures, and hence isn't fully consensual). A few S/M purists will insist that you aren't really a slave unless you're willing to do absolutely anything for your Dom(me), with
no limits at all. I've met a few people who claimed to be no-limit slaves, but in all cases I have reason to doubt the claim.
this one's answers to:
what is a sub?
In my view this is a deeper level of BDSM than the top/bottom level. There is more control at stake, it leaks into other areas of life besides the bedroom. The dom wants to exert his control in other areas of the submissive's life and the submissive wants that too. She might enjoy being told how to dress, or how to speak, or be given rituals to perform at given times. She may live a completely normal work life and at home be controlled in every way possible by her dom. It may be that she requires permission to leave the house or have a shower. It may be that she simply has a few things she must answer to her dom to and others she is free to use her own judgment. She definitely has limits as to how far the dom can go with his desire to control her, but usually within those limits he has free reign.
what is a slave?
A 'slave' is one who chooses to give up their life choices and follow along with whatever their master decides. Depending on the relationship there are no limits. The slave has few options but to accept what ever the master imposes upon her, unless agreed upon before the collar was placed upon her. That may be both good and bad. You can have a master who would never hurt a hair on your head and you can have one that lives to inflict pain and discomfort on you.
The big difference for me between submissives and slaves is the issue of limits, and the depth at which one needs or chooses to go.
are there different kinds of each?
simply speaking , yes just as there are differnt kinds of anything else
what kind are you? i'd love to be able to say that i was a 24/7 live in slave , totally at Master's whim and mercy but that's unrealistic given the relationship this one is in and has no intentions of leaving. this one still feels she is a slave , her whole being tells her she is #7 PART-TIME CONSENSUAL-BUT REAL SLAVE, tho she disagrees with the part time concept.
this one's answers to Assignment 1 - Originally posted May 22, 2007
Needs -- - be sure and listen to Master's needs as well as sharing your own
Submission -- BE submissive, you are his , not just a friend and a lover , but his girl , his property, and anything else He wishes you to be
Demonstrations of submission - learn new ways of showing Him you belong to Him and Him alone
"Master" - not just His title, but His position in the relationship and treat it as such
protocols - willingly, pleasantly and respectfully follow thru with Master's protocols as he wishes them to be done, remembering that this is how she shows Him her submission
piss - be willing , enthuiastic and possibly even beg to drink for Him , show Him you really do enjoy this act as much as He does
bad names - accept that they are only names, they are not a reflection on what Master thinks of her in a negative sense
humiliation, degradation (public if possible) - remember this is a part of the relationship you agreed to in the beginning, that your embarrassment pleases Master, as well as shows Him just how much and how far you are willing to give/go for Him, if it's not morething you are up to one time , make up for it another and look into new ways you can give this and enjoy at the same time
Sadism - accept the pain, knowing He needs to give this , and that he does what he does because He loves you
To feel I'm helping her grow as a person and as a submissive - allow Master to know that His attention, love, and guidance is making her a better person and better slave
Regular contact- emails daily to keep Him from worrying , do what she sezs she will , blog as often as she can with whatever is on her mind, understand He can't read her mind and be willing to share whatever He wishes
To train - willing accept the things He tries to teach you and put them to use as often as possible
To give affection, tenderness - don't be needy but be open and honest when you need to be held and cuddled and don't brush off that He needs the same
Aftercare - be sure and make sure that you are not the only one getting the aftercare, Master's need it too
Email if promised it.- don't make a promise you can't or won't keep and try and include those things that are just as important to Him as well as yourself
Submission -- BE submissive, you are his , not just a friend and a lover , but his girl , his property, and anything else He wishes you to be
Demonstrations of submission - learn new ways of showing Him you belong to Him and Him alone
"Master" - not just His title, but His position in the relationship and treat it as such
protocols - willingly, pleasantly and respectfully follow thru with Master's protocols as he wishes them to be done, remembering that this is how she shows Him her submission
piss - be willing , enthuiastic and possibly even beg to drink for Him , show Him you really do enjoy this act as much as He does
bad names - accept that they are only names, they are not a reflection on what Master thinks of her in a negative sense
humiliation, degradation (public if possible) - remember this is a part of the relationship you agreed to in the beginning, that your embarrassment pleases Master, as well as shows Him just how much and how far you are willing to give/go for Him, if it's not morething you are up to one time , make up for it another and look into new ways you can give this and enjoy at the same time
Sadism - accept the pain, knowing He needs to give this , and that he does what he does because He loves you
To feel I'm helping her grow as a person and as a submissive - allow Master to know that His attention, love, and guidance is making her a better person and better slave
Regular contact- emails daily to keep Him from worrying , do what she sezs she will , blog as often as she can with whatever is on her mind, understand He can't read her mind and be willing to share whatever He wishes
To train - willing accept the things He tries to teach you and put them to use as often as possible
To give affection, tenderness - don't be needy but be open and honest when you need to be held and cuddled and don't brush off that He needs the same
Aftercare - be sure and make sure that you are not the only one getting the aftercare, Master's need it too
Email if promised it.- don't make a promise you can't or won't keep and try and include those things that are just as important to Him as well as yourself
Assignment 2 - Originally posted May 15,2007
1st assignment as Sir's part in Our starting over - Originally posted May 3, 2007

SirPeter: I'd like you to look at the list of needs your Master stated during that joint session, and work out how you can practice or research or improve on each one, that should give you something to start working on.
This was Master's needs list:
Needs --
Submission --
Demonstrations of submission
bad names
humiliation, degradation (public if possible)
To feel I'm helping her grow as a person and as a submissive
Regular contact
To train
To give affection, tenderness
Email if promised it.
Suggests for Assignments - Originally posted May 02, 2007

* SirPeter chuckles, may I suggest that you look through the tasks at The Academy, and attempt some of the written ones? I think they would be helpful to you right now.
* flamesoul is doing one at the moment Sir , but after that , tis what she'd like , and would accept any suggestions You might have Sir
* SirPeter nods
(SirPeter) well all of the suggestions you wrote on your blog sound good
(SirPeter) the assignments, research, etc.
(flamesoul) lol was going to be kinda sorta copying the questionnaires from libs blog and answer those herself
* SirPeter smiles, that would be a good starting point
(SirPeter) and perhaps some of the questions from the journal prompts sites
* flamesoul has those , had given the lists to Master.... and once we restarted He was going to pick the prompt of the day... week ... whichever
(SirPeter) perhaps he'll still do that
(flamesoul) so would like to hold off on those till i see Sir , if that's ok
(flamesoul) have alot of other places can get stuff from
* SirPeter nods, fair enough
(SirPeter) yes, that's true
(SirPeter) but I definitely think questions, blogs, research, thoughts, essays etc. will all help you